As in most media, we are initially told that it will last forever, record albums, video tape, floppy discs, laser discs, and so forth. The video tape of the 80’s are fading, snapping, and loosing there color. This is especially prevalent when video tapes have been stored in very hot, very damp, or very cold […]
Author Archive | Lorelei
How to share photo collection in a divorce.
It is stressful enough having a divorce and making all those settlement decisions, so what options are there for sharing photo albums? Giving all the family albums to one person would be very difficult. We have assisted many people with this dilemma. You can divide all the albums but then you miss out on having […]

Gift Certificates for Film & Photo digitizing
If you are looking for a unique gift we can help. We can provide you with a gift certificate for any of our digital services: film to DVD, video and audio tape, photo and slide scanning, record albums to CD and we even make slide shows. What we recommend is that you place a price […]
How to remove photos stuck in albums
Many of us used photo albums with the waxed pages back in the 1970s. These are a few of mine completely faded and stuck. I also recently had numerous of these kind of pages from a clients order. Do not force the photos off the page or you will rip them or remove part of […]
Kodak is bring out a new 8mm Film Camera
We have always treasured the look of 8mm film, its depth, color, & sound. When video came out it was soon the dominant way we recorded our family, our vacations, and our creative movie making. There are still old super 8 cameras around but purchasing and developing film has become difficult. However, they are bringing […]
Family Estate Photo Collections
We have been seeing more family collections that emerge when people are moving or when clearing a parents home. It is amazing the variety of photos that are in these collections. We had received boxes of albums, framed photos, loose photos, documents, cards, letters and other family history treasures. Families can find this very overwhelming […]
Damaged Photos Can Be Restored
If you used the basic coiled photo albums to keep your family photos in order, you should check their quality right away. Most of these photos have been fading behind the plastic sheets and they are sticking to the paper they were mounted on. These photos should be removed immediately. Photos that are stuck to […]
How to Take Better Indoor Photos Without Flash
First of all, find out how to turn off your auto flash on your still camera. The flash on your camera is great for indoor low light photos of family sitting around the dinner table, taking photo’s of people outside in the dark and recording information on a photo. However, if done correctly and without […]
Scanning 126mm Slides
It is difficult to understand why most companies scan 126mm slides but scan them in a 35mm format. When you take a square and make it a rectangle it does not work very well. Your slides will be cut off on the top and sides. Most slide scanners do not crop these properly, they need […]
Scanning Film & Negatives
There are several scanner available that will scan negatives and slides. They have a rack to place about 4 slides or negatives to prepare for scanning. When you preview your scan, select a good size like 2400 dpi, color correction and dust removal. Scanning takes a long time but they come out pretty good. Most […]