We can digitize your film to the format that you need and place it directly onto your external hard drive. MOV and MPG 4 Formats file sizes: MOV is a MAC based video format and a large file format preferred by MAC based users. MP4 is a smaller file format preferred by PC users. How […]
Is it time to digitize my photos?
Here are some indicators of when it is time to digitize your family photos and film: photos are stuck to the album pages photos in boxes are getting curly slides are looking warped negatives look really faded super 8 film is getting a powder on it, that is mold video tapes are not playing but […]
How long will my video tape last?
If you are asking this question then it is time to digitize your videotapes. Age will contribute to the loss of your videotape media for a number of reasons. First of all, it is getting more difficult to find quality video players to watch your tapes on. When videotapes have not been played for a […]
Archiving Family Media
If you have been working on your family history and archiving your media, are you keeping track of where everything is? Saving our digital photos in folders that are labelled by the year they were taken is quite easy. We can even open folders within those to place special events such as weddings, birthdays, trips, and […]
Let’s not lose a generation of photos
In this digital and social media age, photos are shared through computers. We also take a ton of photos because we don’t have to pay for them. Back in the days of actual film cameras, a roll cost about $5. then to develop the film was around $12. and that was for 24 photos to […]
Scanning large and small negative formats
If you have some of the older negatives and need them digitized, we can probably scan them. Recently we scanned several rolls of negatives that were from the old spy cameras. These are very tiny, probably 8mm but they actually turned out very good. We also scan the 110 mm negative and slides and the […]
The life span of video tapes
As in most media, we are initially told that it will last forever, record albums, video tape, floppy discs, laser discs, and so forth. The video tape of the 80’s are fading, snapping, and loosing there color. This is especially prevalent when video tapes have been stored in very hot, very damp, or very cold […]
Scrapbook scanning
A good way to share your scrapbooks with family members is to digitize them and have them printed into a hard cover shiny book. We can scan your pages for you. The cost depends on how you want them scanned and the difficulty of your pages and embellishments. If your books have embellishments that will […]
How to share photo collection in a divorce.
It is stressful enough having a divorce and making all those settlement decisions, so what options are there for sharing photo albums? Giving all the family albums to one person would be very difficult. We have assisted many people with this dilemma. You can divide all the albums but then you miss out on having […]

Gift Certificates for Film & Photo digitizing
If you are looking for a unique gift we can help. We can provide you with a gift certificate for any of our digital services: film to DVD, video and audio tape, photo and slide scanning, record albums to CD and we even make slide shows. What we recommend is that you place a price […]